PhD, Professor


Department of Computer Science and Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen


University Town of Shenzhen, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Biography | Looking for Students | Research Interest | Highlight | Publication | Grant | Award | Activity | Course

I am now a professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen.

I received my degree of PhD in Computer Science and Engineering in 2016 supervised by Prof. Qian Zhang from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

I am currently looking for highly motivated postgraduate and undergraduate students to work on research projects in our lab. Candidates are expected to have solid background in mathematics, and strong motivation towards academic excellence. Please email me if you are interested and have corresponding backgrounds.


参加本研究小组网络面试的硕士和博士生,请通过电邮预约面试时间,并在面试时带上能够反映学业及学术水平的所有电子材料,并针对自己的毕设准备一个 5 分钟的 PPT 在面试时进行演讲(包括开题背景、技术细节和毕设进展)。

每年招生名额:博士生 1-2 人;硕士生 3-4 人。


Data Mining(数据挖掘)
Information Security(信息安全)

2024 - 6 papers are accepted by ICDE x 3, ICASSP x 1,SDM x 1, PKDD x 1
2023 - 6 papers are accepted by IEEE TNNLS (IF 14.2) x 1, DASFAA 2023 x 2, ACL 2023 x 1, IJCNN 2023 x 1, ICONIP 2023 x 1
2022 - 4 papers are accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2022 x 1,EMNLP 2022 x 2,IEEE TCYB (IF 19.1) x1
2021 - 5 papers are accepted by IEEE TKDE (IF 9.25) x 1, IEEE TNNLS (IF 14.2) x 1, Neurocomputing (IF 5.7) x 1, KSEM x 1 , ICA3PP x 1
2021 - 恭喜本科生李志豪等获得广东省第十六届“挑战杯”竞赛三等奖!
2020 - 恭喜硕士生黄茜茜获得「哈尔滨工业大学百年校庆」深圳校区百篇优秀研究生学位论文奖!
2019 - 恭喜硕士生黄茜茜获得 IEEE DSC 国际会议 Best Student Paper Award!
2018 - 恭喜本科生杨泽华等获得第四届全国青年人工智能创新创业大会创新组一等奖!
2018 - 恭喜本科生李奕辉等获得全国高校绿色计算机大赛开源标注组二等奖!
2018 - 恭喜本科生李佳琪等获得全国高校绿色计算机大赛项目挑战组三等奖!

National Program 2023 - Social Media Analysis
NSFC 2021 - Novel Classification Technologies Based on Deep Learning for Low-sampling and Imbalanced Data
National Program 2020 - Intelligent Techniques for Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis
Shenzhen 2019 - A New Mining Technology for High Dimension, Low Sample Size Data
NSFC 2018 - Research on Data Mining and Parallel Analytical Methods of Large-scale Gene Expression Profile
National Program 2017 - Privacy Protection of Social Network


Program Committee, NeurIPS, ACM MM, AAAI, DASFAA, ICASSP 2023
Program Committee, IEEE ICDM Conference (CCF B),2018&2019(Session Chair),2020(Session Chair),2021,2022,2023
Program Committee, AAAI Conference (CCF A),2021,2022,2023
Program Committee, IEEE ICASSP Conference (CCF B), 2023
Program Committee, IEEE DASFAA Conference (CCF B), 2023
Program Committee, IEEE IJCNN Conference (CCF C), 2023
Program Committee, SDM Conference (CCF B), 2022
Program Committee, HPCC Conference (CCF C), 2020,2021,2022
Session Chair, DASFAA Conference (CCF B), 2020
Session Chair, ACM CIKM Conference (CCF B), 2019
Program Committee, IEEE ICPADS Conference(CCF C), 2018
Local Co-Chair, IEEE DSC Conference, 2017
Program Committee, IEEE DSC Conference, 2016
Reviewer of IEEE TNNLS, IEEE T-Cybernetics, IEEE TII, IEEE TKDE, ...
《IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(IEEE TMC, CCF A)》,Associate Editors, Since 2023
《Big Data Mining and Analytics(IF 13.6, JCR Q1)》,Associate Editors, Since 2023
《CAAI Transaction on Intelligence Technology(IF 5.7, JCR Q2)》青年编委副主任,Since 2020
《信息技术与网络安全》编委, Since 2019
国家一级学会中国中文信息学会理事, Since 2021
国家一级学会中国人工智能学会青工委副秘书长, Since 2020
Senior Member of CCF, Since 2017
Member of IEEE, Since 2010

Current Course at HITSZ:

  • GESC1010 - Technology and Application of Big Data, Summer 2017-2021
  • INRP1002 - Technology and Application of Artificial Intelligence, Innovative Research Course 2019-2022
  • COMP3002 - Software Engineering, Fall 2018-2022
  • WRCO4010 - Academic Writing, Spring 2020-2022

I have been a teaching assistant at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for:

  • COMP1022Q - Introduction to Computing with Excel VBA, Spring 2014
  • COMP1022Q - Introduction to Computing with Excel VBA, Fall 2013